Office of Adult Learner Services

We’re here to help. We want to make things easier for adult learners. We’d like a 与您进行一对一的对话,内容涉及从入学流程到在线的所有内容 在十大玩彩信誉平台学习和寻找自己的道路.

If you’re returning to college, welcome back. Let’s start with the credits you have and the credits you need to earn a degree. You might be closer than you think. If you’re starting school for the first time, congratulations. Let’s talk about your goals in higher education. We’re ready to provide guidance and support tailored to your situation. 如果你想换工作或寻求晋升,那就开始工作吧. Need flexible, online options? 我们也有这些,包括完全在线的跨学科课程 studies bachelor's program. 学校提供经济援助项目,以及免费的辅导服务. Your employer may even help pay for your degree.

学士学位可以带来更有价值的职业和更高的收入潜力 and better job security. 对重返校园感到有点紧张是正常的. Everyone does. 我们一次又一次地发现,学生和教授 appreciate having older students in their classes.

You have something to offer. You bring a different perspective. At the Office of Adult Learner Services, we want to hear your story. We want to help plan your college career. We want to welcome you to the Jaguar family.



Bob Charlebois

Bob’s been there. Done that.

如果你是十大玩彩信誉平台的一名成人学习者,那么你就有了一些东西 in common with Bob Charlebois. His nontraditional career includes time as a restaurant manager, video producer and whitewater rafting guide. He’s been a transfer student and an adult student. 现在他是成人学习服务办公室的主任.

他的姓读作“share -luh-bwah”,但大多数人都叫他鲍勃. His job 是为了方便成人学生——从探索和注册一直到现在 through graduation. 查理布瓦通常是成人学习者在校园里遇到的第一个人. He loves hearing their life stories. He tries to be encouraging and helpful.

成人学习者经常被录取过程吓倒,更不用说 浏览经济援助,注册课程,走进教室,带着 younger students. 查理布瓦帮助他们考虑他们的选择,并设计一个计划 get them to graduation.

He’s been there himself. Charlebois’ career took several detours before returning to college. 他本想获得英语学位,但最后却获得了硕士学位 in higher education leadership. Charlebois has been advising now for nearly 10 years. He can identify with those who seek his help. They appreciate direction from someone whose own career has featured plenty of zigs and zags.


Myths and Facts




Students just like you

Ronie Langston
Ronie Langston

Major: Interdisciplinary studies | Concentration: Psychology and sociology

She sang on Beale Street. Now she’s tuned in to her coursework. “The first time I did not do well in school. And this time I thought, ‘I’m going to really work for this. I’m going to learn, and I’m going to do my very best.’ And that’s what I’ve done.”


William Bailey
William Bailey

Major: Anthropology | Minor: Native American studies

Community college didn’t work out. Then came work and family. Good thing for second chances. “I’ve never been in an honors class ever in my life. And I got requested 我的一位教授邀请我去上印第安文化荣誉课.”


Shantora Hudson
Shantora Hudson

Major: Professional health sciences | Minor: Health care management

Being too old was her biggest fear. Turns out, she never lost her cool. “I always wanted to at least have a bachelor’s degree. My kids are older now, and at this point 我觉得现在是时候继续向前,重新投入了.”